5 Reasons You are Not Getting YouTube Subscribers (and How to FIX It)

Are you happy with the YouTube subscribers you gain for your channel each month ? I’ve gotten many comments from viewers that it is hard to get subscribers on YouTube. No subscribers on YouTube can be demotivating when you put in a lot of effort and see don’t seem to gain more subscribers on YouTube. I’ve been asked many times, “How do I get more subscribers on YouTube”. When I look at those channels, I see common reason why people might not subscribe.

Check to see if you are making these mistakes on your YouTube channel and apply these fixes so that you can get subscribers on YouTube free and fast !

1. People are not finding your videos

There are millions of videos uploaded everyday to YouTube. If you video doesn’t turn up on the first page of YouTube or Google when people search for a specific keyword, they are won’t find your video. So how do you fix that and get your videos discovered in the search results.

Make sure you are targeting the correct keywords and optimize your video title, tags and description. If you don’t want to spend hours of research and want to automate the generation of keywords, tags and description, I recommend using video marketing blaster.

Here is a step by step video on how I use this tool for my videos and get them ranked on the first page of YouTube.

Give video marketing blaster a try. (They offer a 30 days money back guarantee)

2. You are not interacting with the YouTube community

If you are leaving comments on random channels asking them to subscribe to your channel, that’s the wrong way to interact with other. This might even get your YouTube channel banned due to spam comments.

So what’s the right way to comment ? You need to add value to the conversation. Find 10 best channels in your niche and also about 5 medium sized channels in your niche. Subscribe to those channels and enable notifications, so that you get notified as soon as they upload a video. Be one of the first people to comment and leave a head turning comment that will make others want to visit your channel and then subscribe.

Watch the video below where I show how this strategy worked for my YouTube channel.

3. You are not Promoting your Channel outside of YouTube

You need to find communities where your YouTube niche is active. It might be a facebook groups, quora, pinterest etc. Just leaving a link to your video won’t get people to watch your videos. The videos below provide strategy on how to promote your videos the right way so you gain YouTube subscribers for your channel.

4. You are not creating compelling content

You might think that you are creating awesome videos but if viewers don’t keep watching your video then you know there is something wrong. Look at your YouTube analytics and the audience retention for each video. If retention is less than 30% re-think your content. Look at what videos have a higher retention rate and see what type of topic, way of presentation etc that has kept the viewer watching.

Watch this video to learn more about YouTube analytics and how it can help you get more YouTube subscribers.

5. You are not consistently uploading videos

If you don’t have a proper uploading schedule for your channel, that will hold back your channel growth. You need to decide based on your workload, what can you commit to it. For this channel I upload every Saturday and I have clearly mentioned it in the YouTube channel banner, so viewers know what to expect. If you want actionable tips to grow your YouTube channel, then consider subscribing to this YouTube channel.

Here is a summary video of all the steps mentioned above and ways to fix it.