YouTube Channel RSS: Auto Submit Every YouTube Video To RSS Directories

Most people who own a YouTube Channel are not aware of the Channel RSS that goes along with it.
Why does it matter to know this?
Well, There are 2 major advantages of knowing your YouTube channel RSS feed

1. You can add it to your feed reader

The obvious reason. Similar to blog RSS you can now subscribe to your favorite channels via your feed reader. You don’t need to go to YouTube and then subscribe to a particular channel.

2. YouTube video syndication

You can auto submit every YouTube video to various RSS directories. This increases the backlinks to your videos. At the same time, it will also increase the number of views to your video since more people will be able to find the video through the directories. I’ll be writing specific details about how to do video syndication in a future post. (Subscribe to this blog so that you won’t miss that)

Ok, so how do you find the YouTube feed for your channel?
I created a short video to show you the exact steps on how to get the related Channel RSS feed for your YouTube Channel.
I used my channel, PromoteOnlineVideos to demonstrate it. But you can do the same for any channel as long as you know the channel name.

It’s fairly easy, try it out and see.