How To Use YouTube For Marketing Your Business

60 Hours: That’s the numbers of hours of videos that are uploaded every minute to YouTube
4 Billion: That’s the number of YouTube videos that are viewed in a day!

Our world can’t seem to get enough of YouTube these days.

How is YOUR business taking advantage of YouTube?

Marketing with YouTube videos is an often untapped area for many small businesses. Most business owners seem to think that video costs a lot to produce, thinking purely in terms of videos equipment needed. In fact it’s one of the most common video marketing myths.
Whether you have an online or offline business, YouTube marketing is a great source for getting more customers and building your brand.

Here are a few suggestions on how you can use YouTube for marketing your business.

1. Promote your products and services with YouTube for business

The goal here is to create videos that will showcase your products and services. It could be reviews or just how to videos on demonstrating your product or service. Try not to make it a marketing video that has a sales pitch written all over it.
Address a problem that users face with your product. This was you make the video more relevant and useful to a viewer. The user should be convinced that they want to either buy the product or at least have an interest to know more about the product.

How many times have you see a “As seen on TV” sort of videos and been compelled to buy something you didn’t want in the first place! Those videos are really convincing. Try to adapt a similar approach based on the product you offer.
Read 6 Types Of Videos You Can Create To Build Your Business, for more details on ideas that you can use for video content.

2. Include a call to action in the video

What do you want the viewer to do after you watch the video? Do you want them to subscribe to an email newsletter, visit your website or subscribe to your YouTube channel?

You have to make it clear within the video what the next action for the viewer is. For example, you can include the url of your website in the YouTube video description. Then during the video you can say, “click the link below this video to..”

Read How To Create Videos With Calls To Action And Get Viewers To Take The Next Step, for exact steps.

3. Brand your YouTube videos to market your business

Most people will prefer watching a video to reading a lengthy/boring post. In fact video content makes it more memorable than written content. Surely, you want your viewers to remember your product?

Start off with the YouTube channel. Include a link to your business website, add your social media accounts and importantly customize that channel background to include your logo etc.

Next, make sure to brand your videos. You can include a watermark of your logo in video, you can include the website address of your business. I’ve also seen some people wearing branded t-shirts related to their business, when making the video!